June Progress & July Goals

Officially halfway through 2017 — how!? Time seriously flies, so I’m grateful that I’m being intentional with what I want to accomplish in these 365 days.

June was much crazier than anticipated. If you’ve been following along with me here you’ll know I started a new job AND started real estate school. Both exciting things, but either one alone would be hectic. Combined?? Crazy! But we’re getting through it!

Day to day during the month felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I felt like I was slacking because boxes weren’t getting marked off… until I looked at my progress over the entire month. I realized even though I didn’t do as much as I had originally planned, I did still take steps forward while experiencing some life changes.

June Progress

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Monthly Goals

  • Pour into marriage – This month was challenging. Both Eric and I are experiencing changes in schedules and newness that we’re trying to adjust to. We haven’t had the ability to spend a lot of time together, but we have been more intentional about using the time we have. Most days that means a walk with Stella together in the morning and catching up together before bed. We’re making it work and being supportive of one another throughout the process.
  • Budget (pay of Chase) – Finances has been a major focus of ours since we set up our joint bank account. We were both in decent financial places independently and we want to continue to improve as a couple. Chase card was paid off early June! Woohoo!!
  • Biz growth – Well you can see this one got crossed out. Priorities changed and that’s totally okay.
  • Matt & Serena’s wedding – It was such an honor to walk through the engagement journey with Serena and get to stand beside her for their big day. The wedding was gorgeous and we had so much fun!
  • Graceful job transition – This tending item probably had me the most anxious. Starting a new job is stressful and nerve wracking. Leaving a job also feels a bit like breaking up with someone. It was an interesting time, but I couldn’t have asked for it to go better. I had a week in between quitting my old job and beginning the new one which was perfect to reset!
  • Real Estate School – 4 weekends down, 2 weekends to go!!!! I’m powering through it and praying everyday that I absorb the information and do well on the final exams.

Weekly Goals

  • Unplug – This goal has actually been really beneficial when it comes to class and studying. I’ve relied on it more to help me cut distractions and focus.
  • Prayer & meditation – Crucial as I’m experiencing a lot and trying to keep my head on straight!
  • Make plans with friend – Despite the craziness, I’m glad I followed through with this goal. As a busy adult it can be really easy to move through your days without connecting with friends outside of work. Relationships need time and attention to be cultivated. It was so good to reconnect and step outside of my world for some time.
  • Meal plan & prep – So this one was a flop. Honestly, I’ve been much lazier about my nutrition. My focus has been on school and work and really the last thing I want to do is cook. Whoops!

Daily Goals

  • Sleep 7+ hours
  • No snooze
  • Exercise
  • Journal 
  • Handletter/blog
  • Spanish lesson

It’s pretty easy to see what items fell off. I have some daily goals that I feel comfortable discontinuing from my future tending lists because they’ve become habit! Sleeping 7+ hours, no snoozing, and exercise are a part of my routine, so I don’t feel they need to make this list for months to come. That’s an awesome feeling! Although they were on the list for many, many months, the tending has paid off and they’re cultivated habits.

Now, what’s to be tended in July!?

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Monthly Goals

  • Anniversary celebration
  • Pass Real Estate School
  • Budget & Tithe

Weekly Goals

  • Unplug
  • Meditate
  • Encourage a friend
  • Learn at work

Daily Goals

  • Study!
  • Pray with Eric
  • Journal
  • Spanish

I’m keeping the tending list light this month by focusing on the few things that are extra important in July. I don’t want to overwhelm myself by trying to do it “all” and then end up burnt out. As my encouraging words for July puts it, I’m going to “do less with more focus.” I want to take what’s in my hands right now and treat it well.

What big goal do you have for July!? Share it below so I can be cheering you on this month.


4 responses to “June Progress & July Goals”

  1. Very inspiring! I am currently struggling with marking some things off of my list with so much life going on, but I just wanted to say how well you are doing! And I LOVE that you incorporate meditation in your day!!! Good luck on your real estate exam!!

    • Aw thank you, Chelsea!!! It can be super tough to move forward with so much on your plate, but just focus on the most important and temporarily let go of the rest. You got this girl!!

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